Popularly called hump, kyphosis is a deviation from curvature of the spine in the dorsal and occurs during growth or aging.
Is affected cartilage between the vertebrae in time is off. Cartilage lesions prevent normal development of the vertebrae, taking as an abnormal shape. They are not equal, but become thinner than normal in the front and thicker in the rear behind becoming curved. Usually, kyphosis are formed in childhood, is diagnosed around the age of 13-16 years.
Untreated at the first signs, spinal kyphosis produce irreversible changes, dealt only with surgery.
• wrong position at work in early years;
• neglect of back muscles;
• rickets - the weakening of the bones;
• visual disturbances - proximity stationery.
Untreated, kyphosis can cause heart disease, respiratory and nerve.
Note that corset wearing has no effect if adult kyphosis.
Anti-inflammatory painkillers or analgesics are prescribed.
Surgery involves attaching the column of titanium or steel rods and hooks bolted it back to the desired angle.
Is affected cartilage between the vertebrae in time is off. Cartilage lesions prevent normal development of the vertebrae, taking as an abnormal shape. They are not equal, but become thinner than normal in the front and thicker in the rear behind becoming curved. Usually, kyphosis are formed in childhood, is diagnosed around the age of 13-16 years.
Untreated at the first signs, spinal kyphosis produce irreversible changes, dealt only with surgery.
How do you recognize kyphosis?
Obviously, after bending back, but the most important symptom is back pain kyphosis is installed after an effort or morning upon awakening. Kyphosis causes are varied:• wrong position at work in early years;
• neglect of back muscles;
• rickets - the weakening of the bones;
• visual disturbances - proximity stationery.
Untreated, kyphosis can cause heart disease, respiratory and nerve.
How to detect kyphosis?
Physical examination and radiographs are sufficient. If we assume the existence of a neurological changes, we recommend MRN for detecting nerve affected.How to treat kyphosis?
Kyphosis is treated by orthopedic doctor in consultation with a physical therapist. If it is severe, can be stopped by wearing a brace to correct posture and exercise.Note that corset wearing has no effect if adult kyphosis.
Anti-inflammatory painkillers or analgesics are prescribed.
Surgery involves attaching the column of titanium or steel rods and hooks bolted it back to the desired angle.
Photo: uprightdoctor.wordpress.com
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