Osteoarthritis mainly affects the hip joints (coxarthrosis) knee (gonarthrosis) and spine (spondylosis), but also occurs in the fingers, shoulder or elbow. The causes are unknown, but consider the existence of a conglomeration of factors:
• overuse of joints in certain professions or sports - for example, boxers increased risk of osteoarthritis of the wrist while ballerinas are exposed to the osteoarthritis ankle;
• joint overload often occurs in athletes and obese or affect the joints of the lumbar spine, knee and hip;
• internal causes affecting cartilage structure - unbalanced diet, excess toxins, smoking, abuse of sweets, alcohol, certain diseases and medications.
• drugs, creams and injections to alleviate pain;
• supplements based on fish oil to slow degradation of cartilage or vitamin C, which helps to restore it;
• hot or ice applications against inflammation.
• Regular practice sports or gymnastics maintenance (not performance);
• consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C;
• protect joints from cold and damp.
• overuse of joints in certain professions or sports - for example, boxers increased risk of osteoarthritis of the wrist while ballerinas are exposed to the osteoarthritis ankle;
• joint overload often occurs in athletes and obese or affect the joints of the lumbar spine, knee and hip;
• internal causes affecting cartilage structure - unbalanced diet, excess toxins, smoking, abuse of sweets, alcohol, certain diseases and medications.
Key signs
Osteoarthritis is indicated by pain, swelling and stiffness.How to detect?
Diagnosis is based on physical examination, a chest x-ray or blood tests.How is it treated?
Treatment is symptomatic. Therefore, the aim relieve pain and prevent:• drugs, creams and injections to alleviate pain;
• supplements based on fish oil to slow degradation of cartilage or vitamin C, which helps to restore it;
• hot or ice applications against inflammation.
Premature osteoarthritis can be prevented by:
• Maintain a healthy weight;• Regular practice sports or gymnastics maintenance (not performance);
• consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C;
• protect joints from cold and damp.
Practiced daily walking distance of at least 3 km halt the development of osteoarthritis because, by stimulating blood circulation, cartilage is well fed.Foto: www.interactive-biology.com
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